Proposal Guide

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You have met the woman of your dreams and are prepared to handle all her quirks, the shoe addiction and frankly annoying habits for a life time, this is by no means a small feat and deserves a proposal worthy of telling over and over for the rest of your happy lives together.

It is key to make sure this special day is a perfect fit for the one you love, sometimes grand plans can dilute an already monumental moment often less is more when getting engaged, make it personal and fitting to your relationship. One hopes that when you reach this point in your relationship you are well accustomed to your partners likes and dislikes, bear this in mind when finalising a location and deciding who if anyone at all should be present at the pinnacle moment.

One of the essential elements of the proposal is getting the ring right, try gauge her taste does she prefer simple or ornate pieces you should be able to gather some information by looking at what pieces she already wears. If the love of your life wears no jewellery at all it is a safe bet that she would like a simple diamond solitaire or if she wears only yellow gold jewellery then a yellow gold ring mount would be best suited to her style. Come armed with this type of information to our Hatton Garden diamond boutique and one of our trained advisors will be able to help you with a selection. If you would prefer some more instant advice we are easy to reach, give us a call or catch us on our customer service email.

It is a common myth that you should spend approximately 3 months’ salary on the engagement ring. Here at Thegemhut we think as long as it stings your wallet a bit then that’s alright, you can get the perfect ring by working on getting the right diamond shape, style and metal not just on the price tag.

You have the ring and you have built up to courage to get down on one knee – no one really knows the exact reason behind the tradition of getting on one knee perhaps to bow as a sign of worship and respect either way this is common tradition and something that amplifies the special moment. The question for you is the decision of where? We recommend picking a sentimental location or somewhere you have dreamed about visiting together.

Finally, the day will come and you will be nervous but that is ok you will both treasure this moment together, a shaky hand or two won’t spoil the moment just be careful not to propose right next to water or on the edge of a cliff, you don’t want that ring jumping out of the box especially as you put your all into finding the perfect one!

And they lived happily ever after.

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