Conflict-Free Diamonds

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Ethical Sourcing

The Gem Hut is committed to being a responsible retailer and prides itself on taking great care to only use ethically sourced, conflict free diamonds across the brand’s jewellery collections. We understand it is important for our conscientious customers to have a level of trust and assurance when they purchase diamonds.


The Gem Hut founders belong to the esteemed London Diamond Bourse which is part of the World Federation diamond Bourses accredited to only a handful of traders across the UK. This binds the company to a strict code of conduct, holding the highest standards of trade, integrity and moral obligation. All members adhere to the Kimberley Process regarding any trade of rough diamonds, involving 81 different countries (99.8% of global rough diamond trade) which since 2003 have a strict certification process to control the import and export of diamonds.

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